PANC stands for unconventional food plants. These are nothing more than edible plants that spontaneously appear in the country. Created by the biologist Valdely Kinupp, the term PANC has been increasingly used in Brazil and today there are more than 10,000 species identified. Most of them are described in the book Non-Conventional Food Plants (PANC).
In this collection, we explored the vast diversity of PANC, depicting them in various embroideries our garments and homewares. Our collections are mainly created through conversations with artisans, and we chose a narrative guided by their own relation with PANCs found in their hometowns and their especial and traditional recipes.

I worked as
creative director / conception and ressearch / pattern designer / product designer /  art director 

Project team
Partners in Projeto Fio: 
Marina Canesin Bittencourt  / Leticia Ozório /Olivia Silveira
Photographer: Bel Corção
Models: Aisha Moura and Nina Tomsic​​​​​​​

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