The collection was born from the reinterpretation of renowned female artists, through Projeto Fio's point of view and style. The chosen artists were Frida Khalo, Tarsila do Amaral, Margareth Mee and Georgia O'Keeffe. To develop the garments, we created comfortable and elegant models - the main idea was that they would serve as frames for the hand embroidery. The patterns were all based on different paintings of the chosen artists. The paintings were also used as reference for the entire campaingn, where we mimetized it in art direction, beauty and the setting of the collection's media.
I worked as
creative director / conception and ressearch / pattern designer / product designer / art director
Project team
Partners in Projeto Fio: Marina Canesin Bittencourt, Leticia Ozório , Olivia Silveira / Photographer: Bel Corção / Models: Andressa Litori and Carolina Montandon / Makeup artist: Brenda Herminea