Paula came to us with bags of memories, like they were kept in a cookie jar. The lemon tree that grew at home, the extravagant trees that she and Breno saw change as the days went by. She brought back souvenirs from her travels, such as cocoa from Bahia, juçara fruit and the Irish flute. Paula also wanted people and music. She asked for the whole family tree to be included as a great blessing. She wanted to hear the soundtrack of her love through the embroided lines, which combines the Rolling Stones, Gilberto Gil and Whitney Houston.
worked with
illustration / pattern design / embroidery coordination
illustration / pattern design / embroidery coordination
partners in project
Susana Soraya Lima - Embroiderer
Marina Bittencourt - Production
Susana Soraya Lima - Embroiderer
Marina Bittencourt - Production

Paula wanted to arrive at her wedding blessed with loved ones and unforgettable moments, illustrated by thread and needle, embroidered by hand. When we opened her jar of tales, it seemed unlikely that everything would fit together. How do you put Rolling Stones and Guará birds together? Flamboiants, corals and Whitney Houston ? Luckily, we like to tell stories. As Mia Couto said in the book in which our couple read at the waterfall at the sight of two snakes mating, we pulled on the invisible thread to compose the beads of memory, with the intention of connecting every little piece of Paula and Breno's lives, just like the beads on an eye-catching necklace. Thus, with many hands, this embroidered mantle was born - covering and revealing, bringing to the present the most beautiful days lived so far. At the same time, it evokes the most precious memories, which as bridemades of this commitment, wrap up the next moment of remembrance, Paula and Breno's wedding day.